This guide will explain how to make API calls to Core via Postman.
2) Next, find your Hub ID. Your hub ID can be found in the URL of your hub here:
3) We will use a common GET request as an example call for this tutorial. Open Postman and put the following URL into a GET Request, replacing your_hub_id with the number taken from the URL in Step 2 above:
4) Next, you’ll configure your authorization in Postman.
a) In Postman’s Auth tab, choose “Basic Auth” from the “Type” dropdown.
b) Enter your “api_token” in the “Username” Field. This includes the word “caveon”. Note: The username you use to login to Core will not work here.
c) Enter the same password you use to login to in the password field.
5) Hit the “Send” button. You should see results in the body for:
- "all_zone_ids"
- "description": "",
- "disk_space":
- "global_shared_data_type_ids": [],
- "id": 208,
- "logo_url":
- "name": "Mike OLeary Hub",
- "security_level":
- "settings":
- "status":
- "upgrades"
- "files"
- "used_space":
6) You can add the following additional query parameters to this call:
Full API documentation can be found at:
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