1. Click on the drop down menu while in a Scorpion project and select Deliveries.
2. Here you see all of the deliveries and statuses.
a. Deliveries with a green box are completed
b. Deliveries with an orange box are incomplete
c. Deliveries with a blue box are fresh have not been launched
d. Deliveries with a yellow box are marked as abandoned
3. Click on any exam delivery to get details about that delivery. These details include your student’s information, their score, the duration of the exam, the date of the exam, the proctor logs, and the student’s individual answers to each question.
4. If you’d like to export your student’s results in bulk, you can use the Export page in Scorpion, which is further down the list of tabs on the left-hand side. You can export Summary Information, Scores, Item summaries, and full response data. These exports will download to your computer in comma delimited .txt files. These files can be opened in any spreadsheet program.
a. You can also specify a date range for each report. If you leave that date range blank, it will pull all deliveries for the history of your exam.
b. You can set the status of the exams you would like to export. If you do not select a status for the exam, it will only bull “completed” exams (those that are marked with a grey bar in the Deliveries Tab).
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