Hot spot items in Scorpion can be used to present examinees with an image and are asked to click on the correct spot on the image.
Hot Spot Settings
Points- This is the amount of points that can be earned for the item.
Scoring Method- There are five options for scoring method:
- Default- The item will be automatically scored. If the item has multiple correct options, and they are not all selected, then the item will be incorrect.
- Manual- The item will have to be manually scored.
- Partial-The item will be automatically scored. If the item has multiple correct options, and they are not all selected, then a partial credit will be calculated.
- Cutscore- This allows an examinee to receive full credit for the item if the get a certain percentage of the item correct.
- Weighted- This allows you to set how much credit will be received for specific correct options if the item is only partially correct.
Number of Selections- This option determines how many selections on the image need to be made.
Enemies- This is where you can select enemy items. Enemy items are typically items that give the answer to this item. Enemies are used in form making.
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