This article shows you how to made shared content and add PDFs to shared content in Scorpion. This article assumes you have already uploaded your files to Scorpion. Please see How to Upload a Files into Scorpion if you need help uploading files.
Related topic:
How to Upload a Files into Scorpion
1- On the items page of Scorpion, open content resources by clicking on the Resources button.
2- Click on the Shared Content tab.
3- Click on the Add Shared Content button.
4- Type the name of the shared content in the name text field.
5- Type the content of the shared content in the content field. (See Secure and Unsecure methods below for more information on this step)
Secure PDF support- If you want to add a PDF in your shared content, use this text - {{ embed("file-name.pdf", secure=1, in_line=1) }} Replace the "file-name.pdf" text with you text. The quotation marks are needed. This method doesn't appear as convenient to the examinee, but there is no print or download button for the examinee.
Unsecure PDF support- If you want to add a PDF in your shared content, use this text - {{ embed("file-name.pdf") }} Replace the "file-name.pdf" text with the file name as it appear in Scorpion. The quotation marks are needed. This method will appear more convenient to the examinee, there will be a print and download button. The examinee will see a link that will open a new window for the examinee to see the pdf.
5- Click on the Save Shared Content Button.
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