Scorpion now let one edit the delivery settings of a configuration per delivery without having to make a new configuration. This guide will show you how to edit the delivery. This article assumes you know how to create a delivery.
Note that the following settings can be adjusted
Exam Time limit (Note that this should be the cumulative time that you want the test taker to have. For example if the exam allows for 15 minutes to complete it normally and you want it to have an additional five minutes you would replace the entry from 900 seconds to 1200 seconds.)
Exam Mode
Proctor Code
Exam interface Languages
Default Language
End the test early when a passing or failing score is determined
Allow users to go back and change answers
Prevent mark and review between sections
Enable section timers and navigation
Allow users to pause and resume their own exam
Show item feedback after each page
Show item feedback at the end of exam
Hide correct responses on feedback page
Allow users to submit comments on items
Related topics:
GETTING STARTED - A Guide for Scorpion™ Free Users
VIEWING EXAM DELIVERY RESULTS - A Guide for Scorpion™ Free Users
Scorpion Form Configurations Explained
1- Navigate to the Deliveries page.
2- Click on the delivery you would like to edit the settings of.
3- Click on the Edit Settings button.
4- Here you can edit the deliveries configuration settings. You can also choose to use the of a different configuration by using this drop down arrow and clicking on Copy settings from a configuration. If you are going to edit the delivery settings just for this exam, complete the editing and go to step 6.
5- Click on the drop down arrow under Configuration and choose the configuration you would like to use the settings for.
6- When you are finished editing/ choosing a new configuration settings, scroll down to the bottom an click on the Save button.
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