Note: Review administrators MUST move the items they want to be included in a review, into the desired phase and/or objective PRIOR to saving the review. Reviews “lock” the item sets at the time that they are created, so even if items move into or out of phases or objectives, what was included WHEN the review was set, will always be there unless the review is modified and re-saved.
If you need more help with reviews, please see the following articles:
RESPONDING TO A INVITATION - A Guide for Scorpion™ Free Users
How to Perform a Review (as an End User)
How to Facilitate a Review in Scorpion
How to Create Proficiency Levels in Scorpion Reviews
1- Click on the project you would like to make a review for, use the drop down menu in the top left corner of the screen and click on Reviews.
2- Click on the Add a Review button.
3- In the box labeled name, type a name for this review.
4- Click on the drop down arrow on the type field and choose what type of review you would like to create.
5- In the Special Instructions box, you can write what you would like the reviewers to do.
6- Here you select which phases, status, objectives and custom fields you would like to be reviewed.
Note: If you would like to add phases, see Using Custom Fields.
7- Below the Special Instructions box you have the options to do the following:
a) Present the question for review in a random order.
b) Review items separately for each proficiency level. This option would be used for information integration theory review. This will likely not be used by most review makers. Proficiency levels can be configured on the Reviews page, on the top right side clicking on the Proficiency Levels button. For more help with Proficiency Levels please see the article How to Create Proficiency Levels in Scorpion Reviews.
c) Hide comments from the reviewers.
If you would like to enable one of these options make sure that the box to the right of the text has a check mark through it.
8- To create questions for the reviewers to answer click on the + New question text below the Questions section.
9- Click on the downwards arrow in the box below Type. Choose what type of question you would like to ask the reviewer (There will be different option depending upon which type of question you want to ask)
Yes/No questions will only have the option to write the question in the Text box.
Scale questions have the option to write the question in the text box.
There is also options to set the scale below.
Item Score questions have the reviewer answer the question. You have the option of displaying text for the reviewer in the text box.
10- When you are done creating your review click on the save button on the bottom left corner of the screen.
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