David Holt

  • Total activity 87
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Votes on activity by David Holt Recent activity Votes
  • Using Custom Fields in Scorpion

    Custom Fields in Scorpion allow you to organize items (questions).  This guide will walk show you how to set them up and how they work.   1- Under the project name click Settings     2- Click on th...

  • How to Increase Account Security with Caveon ID

    CaveonID is the centralized sign in tool that grants access to all of Caveon’s various products and services. It is critical that a CaveonID account be secured to prevent unauthorized access to sen...

  • Core Release 2.28 (11/4/22)

    This article highlights the changes made by the Core version 2.28 release.   Columns on Incident pages can be hidden, moved or sorted per viewers preferences A user in Core with access to the incid...

  • Scorpion Release 2.93 (Releasing 4/29/2022)

    This article highlights the change made by the Scorpion version 2.93 release.   Define User Access Timeframes (Project/Settings/Team) Scorpion allows administrators of a project to add groups and u...

  • Scorpion Release 2.87 (Releasing 11/12/2021)

    This article highlights the changes made by the Scorpion version 2.87 release.   Web Sockets are handled better in browsers Some browsers, like Safari were having issues when Take was in an iFrame....

  • Use Role as conditionals in Incidents

      1. Create a new incident type or edit an existing one. 2. Mark a field as "Conditional and then select the type as "Role" 3. Select the role or roles that should be able to see this field.   Thi...

  • Caveon Smart Item API Calls

    Authentication Create an account at https://smart.caveon.com. You might have to contact support to request access to be able to make access tokens. For trial purposes, support might simply provi...

  • Using the Core API with Postman

    This guide will explain how to make API calls to Core via Postman.   1) First, you’ll need to reach out to support@caveon.com to get your Core API credentials.   2) Next, find your Hub ID. Your hub...

  • VIEWING EXAM DELIVERY RESULTS - A Guide for Scorpion™ Free Users

    1.  Click on the drop down menu while in a Scorpion project and select Deliveries.   2.  Here you see all of the deliveries and statuses.  a.  Deliveries with a green box are completed b.  Deliver...

  • Create Your First SmartItem Using the Graphical Editor Provided by the Caveon SmartItem API

    In this tutorial you will create a math word problem in the Caveon SmartItem API graphical editor. Here are the steps:  Step One: Consider the skill you wish to test Step Two: Select a template St...